What is a Hopefull?

A Hopefull is a high quality, nutritional meal typically consisting of a protein, vegetable, and fruit.

Who receives Hopefulls?

We are currently partnering with 4 schools located in High Point, NC, 1 school located in Wallburg, NC., and 2 schools located in Lexington, NC.

How are Hopefulls made?

Volunteers cook, prepare, and package 1,200 Hopefulls a week in a certified, commercial kitchen.

How are Hopefulls packaged?

Each meal is served in a sealed, three-compartment, microwavable tray. The tray is placed into a fun, decorated bubble mailer bag and sealed for easy handling. 

How do Hopefulls get to the children?

Volunteers deliver the Hopefulls to our partner schools each week. At the end of the school day, school personnel distribute them to the children for them to place in their book bags and take them home for dinner.

How often does a child receive a Hopefull?

A child who participates in the Hopefulls program receives 4 Hopefulls a week for every week of the school year, including holiday breaks when they are out of school.

No child should ever wonder if they will have food to eat when they get home from school.